The Kawehno:ke Recreation Committee would like to advise the community of Akwesasne that our biggest annual fundraising event, “Spirit of Christmas” is once again being postponed. As the number of positive cases of COVID-19 continues to fluctuate within the community, the Kawehnoke Recreation Committee has made the decision to postpone the onsite Spirit of Christmas to ensure the safety of all Akwesasronon. However, we are organizing an activity in place of the Spirit of Christmas. The Kawehnoke Recreation Committee would like to announce that we are sponsoring a “Merry Moolah Raffle”.
Tickets are $10 per ticket for 3 chances and can be purchased from any of the Kawehno:ke Recreation Committee members, they are as follows: Kuy Chaussi, Lori Thompson, Roxene Jones, Tracey Thompson, Sara McDonald, Britney Truelove, Tony Square, Lynn Roundpoint, Basil ‘Moose’ Lazore and Anna Marie Mitchell.
The drawing date is December 12, 2021 at 1 p.m., via Facebook Live, we will also be collaborating with CKON to do the draw live on CKON as well.
Niawenhko:wa and have a safe and happy holiday!