December 29, 2021
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Department of Health has received updated directives from the Ministry of Long-term Care pertaining to the guidelines for COVID-19. The following documents indicate what procedures and steps should be taken in various circumstances, such as when residents leave the long-term care residence, when visitors must have both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, and what activities will be impacted should the home enter an outbreak.  
The updated guidelines apply to both the Tsiionkwanonsoh:te Long-Term Care facility as well as the Iakhihsohtha Home for the Elderly.  
Families and friends of residents are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the following information.  
PDF Embedder requires a url attribute LTC-Visitor-Absences-Social-Gatherings-Snapshot-2021-12-16-Final
