Community Consultation Session: Akwesasne Draft Cannabis Law

October 24, 2022 @ 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Kawehno:ke Recreation Center
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne is notifying the community that Akwesasne Legislative Enactment Procedural Regulations (LEPR) – Phase III Community Consultation in the development of the Draft Akwesasne Cannabis Law has begun.
The Draft Akwesasne Cannabis Law was “Accepted in Principle” by Council MCR 2022/2023 – #159 dated September 19, 2022. The Oversight Committee on Legislative Development presented a summary at the MCA General Meeting on September 22, 2022 to complete Phase II of the LEPR. Moving into “Phase III Community Consultation”, Section 6.0 of the LEPR indicates that the Over-sight Committee shall provide notice at least ten (10) days before the date of each information meeting containing:
a) directions on where copies of the Draft Akwesasne Cannabis Law, Accepted in Principle can be obtained;
b) details on where and when the Information Meetings will be held; and
c) the closing date of accepting written comments from Members.
Therefore, we are inviting the community to our Community Consultation Sessions to provide feedback and ask questions regarding the Draft Akwesasne Cannabis Law.