The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Family Wellness Program (AFWP) would like to extend a warm welcome to the new program manager, Shara Francis-Herne. Shara started in her new role on October 23, 2023.


Shara was born and raised on the territory of Akwesasne. She is a firm believer in the concept of the Seven Generations and uses this principle to guide her decision-making processes. Shara has a diverse professional background, having worked with Indigenous communities in various sectors, such as education, mental health, and Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirits. She has also worked in Indigenous survivor support, advocacy, social justice, capacity development, and community building.


Shara holds a deep commitment to providing support, mentorship, and opportunities for the advancement of young Indigenous professionals and scholars. She aims to utilize her credentials, skills, and experiences to promote healthy and vibrant Indigenous communities, focusing on the empowerment of women, children, and elders. She also strives to promote traditional cultural practices and languages. Shara is excited to join the team at the Akwesasne Family Wellness Program and looks forward to service Indigenous survivors, and the community, in working towards a violence-free Akwesasne.


Please join the Akwesasne Family Wellness Program in welcoming Shara to the team! We look forward to all the great work she will contribute to the program.