Under Kaienthóhsera – Akwesasne Garden Initiative, the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne is attempting to help alleviate some food needs by providing raised garden beds to individual households. Each package will include an 8’x4’x1′ raised garden bed that will be delivered and installed to the residence. The soil will be provided as well as a tray of plants to be planted by the residence. For individuals with or without gardening experience, we will be providing information to help individuals be successful in their food growing with all the information being grounded in who we are as Akwesasronon.
The struggles experienced due to COVID-19 are not equally shared by all individuals and the anxieties created by the unknown exacerbate the situation. As Akwesasronon, we know that we come from a long, strong history of people with the knowledge and capability to meet our food needs. Furthermore, kaienthóhsera was given the responsibility to provide for our people and, within this, we have the responsibility to strengthen our relationship with them and learn as well as pass on our knowledge, so future generations can be healthy and prepared.
We are asking for community members (who reside in the districts of Kawehno:ke, Kana:takon and Tsi Snaihne) to fill out our short survey to see if you are eligible to receive an at-home garden starter kit.
CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE SURVEY: bit.ly/AkwesasneGardenInitiative2020
The deadline to complete the survey is Friday, May 1 at 4 p.m. If you have any questions, please email ecdev@akwesasne.ca.
We would like to extend a big niawenhko:wa to Akwesasne Earth Movers, Northern-Landscapes and Two House Design-Crafters for making this project possible!
Elders and community members who do NOT have access to the internet can call 613-575-2250 ext. 2205 (Monday-Friday, 8 AM – 4:30 PM) to fill out the survey over the phone. If individuals can fill out the survey online, we strongly encourage them to do so. Nia:wen.