The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) wishes to inform the community that in accordance with jurisdictional recommendations, the limit for social gatherings is now set to 50.
When building size does not allow for 50 people to safely social distance by 6-feet/2-metres, the social gathering limit is reduced.
MCA follows the guidelines of the Eastern Ontario Health Unit. The expanded limit for gatherings reflects the next phase of Ontario’s re-opening.
COVID-19 remains a threat and social distancing is still necessary to reduce and prevent the spread of the disease in our community. Continue practicing prevention measures with diligence, including mask-wearing, maintaining 6-feet/2-metres of distance from others, and washing hands regularly.
Let’s continue to keep our community safe.
For more information on the phases of re-opening, and for more specific information on social gatherings, please visit the Eastern Ontario Health Unit website: