In December 2021, the Akwesasne Mohawk Police, working in partnership with the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, hosted a logo contest asking the community to submit artwork depicting what the Akwesasne Community Watch Program meant to them.
The Akwesasne Community Watch committee would like to acknowledge and thank everyone that submitted artwork for the logo contest. The first-place winner will receive $500 with honorable mentions of $50 to the top four logos that were judged by the committee.
The Akwesasne Community Watch committee would like to congratulate logo contest winner Katrina Oakes on her artistic view of what the Akwesasne Community Watch Program means. The logo will be featured on our newly added social media sites, promotional items, and educational presentations held in the community on future dates.
The Akwesasne Community Watch is a program aimed to help reduce crime. It involves building relationships with police and members of our community. The program helps establish trust and keeps our community safe.