On September 18, 2019 at 8:00 PM, the Akwesasne Mohawk Police received numerous calls that a semi-automatic weapon was being discharged in the district of Tsi Snaihne.
Police arrived in the vicinity of Wade Lafrance Memorial Road and Toby Roundpoint Road and identified semi-automatic gunfire coming from the wooded area. Several community residents spoke with officers and numerous vehicles in the area were stopped and questioned. An ATV was observed leaving the area at a high rate of speed.
Police are seeking the public’s assistance in help to identifying the subject(s) involved in this incident. Discharging a firearm near homes can endanger the safety of community members and property. Firearm projectiles travel long distances and can pose dangers to people living in residential areas.
Hunting season is right around the corner and the Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service would like to remind the community that gunfire may be heard in wooded areas throughout hunting season. All reported gunfire will be investigated by police.
The Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service encourages anyone with any information that will assist in their investigation, to please contact Police at 613-575-2000 or the Akwesasne Crime Stoppers at 613-575-2255.