Kaniatares translates to “the long river” and is also a name for the St. Lawrence River. The Great St. Lawrence has played an important role in the history and development of Akwesasne.
It is an area that connects us all, especially during the warmer months. The St. Lawrence River is a fun place to go boating, swimming, fishing, and more!
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) is providing the following information to help ensure that the river is enjoyed safely and responsibly.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, MCA enacted the Akwesasne Emergency Curfew Law as a health & safety measure for the community.
As a result, non-essential travel is restricted from 11 p.m. – 5 a.m.
This curfew has an effect on the operating hours of local businesses, like marinas.
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne encourages people to wear masks in public spaces, especially indoors & when you can’t maintain at least 2 metres/6 feet of distance between others.
Akwesasne (and its waters) is situated on both a provincial and international border, covering area in Ontario, Québec and New York.
As of July 21, 2020, the restriction on all discretionary travel at the Canada-U.S. border that was initially implemented on March 21, 2020, was extended until August 21, 2020.
Note: This date can be subject to change. Please visit www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca or www.dhs.gov to receive updates.
Examples of discretionary/optional travel include tourism, recreation, & entertainment. This restriction extends to recreational boaters & watercraft owners.
Entering Akwesasne water means being respectful of Akwesasne laws.
- Small Vessels Act – MCR #2002/03 – 177
- Intoxicants Law – MCR #1987/88 – 421
- Curfew Law – MCR #2020/21 – 03
- No Wake Zone – MCR #1999/2000 – 154
- No Trespass – Indian Act Fishing
NOTE: Fishing on the territory of Akwesasne has been restricted to community members only. Existing permits are suspended & hunting/fishing permits have been put on hold.
These laws can be viewed at: www.akwesasne.ca/history-resources/by-laws/
As previously mentioned, the Akwesasne Emergency Curfew Law was put forth for the protection of the community. Here are the remaining measures that accompany the local curfew:
- Activities at all other times are limited to essential activities.
- When engaged in essential activities in public, best efforts must be made to maintain a physical distance of 6 feet from any other individual.
- Social gatherings are to be avoided.
- Residents who are returning to Akwesasne from any location outside the 50-mile radius, who are displaying COVID-19 symptoms, must self-isolate for at least 14 days.
- Residents who are returning to Akwesasne from any location outside the 50-mile radius, who have no COVID-19 symptoms, must self-quarantine for at least 14 days and monitor for symptoms.
- For monitoring and tracking purposes, residents returning to Akwesasne from outside the 50-mile radius must inform the MCA Department of Health of their circumstances, as to whether they are isolating or quarantining.
Read the release on the Akwesasne Community Curfew Law at: www.akwesasne.ca/mca-amends-community-curfew-to-11-pm-5-am
A wake is a disturbance of the water resulting from a boat or jet ski moving though the water at high speeds. When a watercraft creates a wake, it disrupts the water that can create large waves that can be harmful to nearby animals, people, marine life or wash up on shores or against waterfront properties.
This is why we have no wake & slow speed zones.
If your boat/watercraft’s bow is elevated above the water, then you are going too fast. Slow down, sit back, relax and enjoy the scenery!
Here’s a map of the no wake zone and areas to be cautious of:

Please be sure that you have the proper documents aboard your watercraft. Your boating license, proof of ownership, and a form of identification should be easily accessible.
Keep constant watch for others on the water. Our river is shared by large shipping vessels, canoes, and everything in between.
Be mindful of the no wake zones and smaller channels so that individuals who are swimming, kayaking, floating, jet skiing, or fishing can continue to do so without harm.
Persons under 16 years of age are prohibited from operating a pleasure craft that is above these specified horsepower limits:
- Persons under 12 years of age who are not directly supervised by a person 16 years of age or older may only operate a pleasure craft propelled by a motor of no more than 10 hp (7.5 kW).
- Persons at least 12 years of age (but under 16 years of age) who are not directly supervised by a person 16 years of age or older may only operate a pleasure craft propelled by a motor of no more than 40 hp (30 kW).
Only persons 16 years of age or older may operate a personal watercraft (PWC) without supervision.