The Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service is reminding the community, especially parents and youth, that there has been a curfew in place since 1973 for youth.  No youth under the age of 16 are permitted to be in the streets or public areas after 10 p.m. Parents that permit their children to violate this law may be subject to a fine.


AMPS has recently responded to several complaints from elders in the village of Kana:takon who have reported youth are knocking on their doors late at night and running away.  The youth are identified on surveillance cameras.


The AMPS are advising youth and parents that if these incidences continue, homeowners have the right to pursue charges.  These could include trespassing at night, mischief charges, or charges as per the Criminal Code of Canada.


AMPS is asking parents to supervise youth and advise them of harassing behavior, especially toward our elderly residents.