Tsikaristisere/Dundee Land Claim Settlement Agreement-In-Principle

The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne passed a resolution on June 27th approving the final draft of the proposed Tsikaristisere/Dundee Claim Settlement Agreement-in-principle.  The Agreement will now be sent to the community for review and approval through a referendum. The Mohawks of Akwesasne presented the Tsikaristisere/Dundee land claim to the Government of Canada in 1981 under the Specific Claims Policy. The claim […]

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44th Annual All Ontario Chiefs Conference

This week, Chief Tim Thompson and Chief Karen Loran represented Akwesasne at the Chiefs of Ontario All Ontario Chiefs Conference in Nipissing First Nation. Chiefs and leaders from different communities throughout Ontario gathered to discuss important issues affecting First Nations. Also at the conference, RoseAnne Archibald was elected as the new Ontario Regional Chief. Archibald was the first female Chief […]

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