Steps for Self-Isolation


The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Department of Health is advising community members to cancel non-essential travel – both local travel and travel away from the community. If someone is not a member of your household or a direct care support person, they should not be visiting your home at this time. A 50-mile radius is being used as a guideline for “travel away from the community” – this radius is determined based on population density of our region, and reported positive cases of COVID-19.

If you have traveled away from the community after March 13, 2020, you should self-isolate upon your return to Akwesasne. When self-isolating, you should:
• Stay home – do not got to work, school, or other public places.
• Limit the number of visitors in your home – only visitors who you MUST see and keep visits short.
• Avoid contact with others – make sure shared rooms have good airflow.
• Keep distance from others – at least 2 meters/6 feet from each other.
• Cover your coughs and sneezes.
• Wash your hands often, with soap and water.
• Wear a mask over your nose and mouth if you MUST leave to see a health care provider.
• Clean all “high touch” surfaces every day – counters, tabletops, doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets, bedside tables, etc.

The MCA Department of Health is working tirelessly to ensure that essential programs and services continue to be delivered to the community. As a preventative measure to protect our community and our staff, the MCA Department of Health is discouraging any and all activities where large gatherings of 50 people or more may occur.

Any MCA staff who have traveled away from the community or attended large gatherings after March 13, 2020 should report this information to their supervisors.

Printed factsheets will be mailed to households in Tsi Snaihne, Kana:takon and Kawehno:ke this week with information on how to self-monitor and how to self-isolate. For more information, please contact the MCA Community Health Program 613-575-2341 ext. 3220.

Wholistic Health & Wellness Crisis Line – (844) 244-1060

