The Block 1 Lands consist of 108 parcels of land on Kawehno:ke located in 8 various areas around Cornwall Island. These parcels represent lands that were previously expropriated or man-made during the construction of the Seaway. In 2000, Canada agreed to return the lands to the Mohawks of Akwesasne as a partial settlement of Mohawk claims regarding the construction and operation of the Seaway. On November 25, 2020, the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations signed the order that added the Block 1 Lands to Akwesasne Reserve No. 59.
It is the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s intention to allot these lands to affected landowners where it is possible to do so. Over the next six months, the Office of Vital Statistics will be conducting a controlled public review and comment process for lots located in one specific area at a time. Community members will have 30 days to obtain information and provide comments prior to any allotments taking place.
Effective November 21, 2022, the RAILWAY LANDS NORTH AND SOUTH, which consist of Lots 209 – 247 on Cornwall Island are open for public review and comment. These lots are identified by the red areas shown within the green circles on the map linked below (Tewesateni Road and Recreation Road). Community members will have until December 23, 2022 to obtain lot information and/or provide their comments on these lands prior to any allotments taking place. No lots in areas outside of the identified areas in this community notice will be discussed until they are publicized for comment.
For further information, please contact Fawn Cole at the MCA Office of Vital Statistics at 613-575-2250 ext. 1030 or email