Community Support Program
The Community Support Program provides financial assistance to qualified individuals who are experiencing employment and financial hardship. The program is designed to assist individuals and families during difficult times, such as experiencing loss of income or being unable to support themselves or their families.
Individuals can apply for financial assistance by contacting the Community Support Program at 613-575-2341 ext. 3262. The intake worker will make an appointment with you to review your eligibility. Documentation requirements are expected at the time of your appointment. The intake worker will calculate your allowance and you will be provided an approval or denial of the application. If your assistance application is denied, a letter of explanation will follow.
Depending on the circumstance, individuals may receive additional assistance for the following:
- Pregnancy Items and Layettes, Pregnancy Needs, Special Baby Needs
- Child Care Costs (daily and temporary)
- Funerals and Burial Expenses
- Disability Supplement
- Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities
- Special/Strict Diet Needs
The supplementary Employment Assistance Program is provided on a discretionary basis, and based on funding availability. Clients are encouraged to access other employment resources first, such as ACESS or AMBE. The Employment Assistance Program can assist with the following:
- Training Opportunities/Participation
- Employment Startup
- Trades/Training Equipment
- ASP30 Construction Safety Course
- First Aid/CPR
613-575-2341 ext. 3262
Daniel Bruyere, Program Manager
613-575-2341 ext. 3271
Gary Cole, Case Management Supervisor
613-575-2341 ext. 3268
- The Community Support Program has formed a partnership with the Akwesasne Career & Employment Support Services (ACESS) Program to facilitate education and employment programs and services for clients aged 18 to 30.
- The Community Support Program staff frequently volunteers and participates in community activities and events, providing outreach and supporting the needs of the Akwesasne community.
- We practice life stabilization and social inclusion wholistic methodologies in our ever-evolving program service delivery.
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