National Nurse Practitioner Week is held annually in celebration of these exceptional hea
lthcare providers. Nurse practitioners play a vital role in our healthcare system and we take this time to celebrate Nurse Practitioners (NP) Week.
NP Week is held annually every November to celebrate the incredible work NP’s do and to celebrate their contributions to our healthcare system, especially in delivering high-quality, patient-centred care.
NP’s receive extended education and provide comprehensive primary care including the ability to diagnose, assess, prescribe medications, monitor, and educate their patients on managing chronic illness and a host of other health issues.
“We are overjoyed and delighted to have Janet Brant as our Nurse Practitioner,” said Amber Montour, Director for the Department of Health. “She provides excellent service and care to our community. She is known to go above and beyond for every patient in her care, from our babies to our elders. It is the privilege of the DOH to have her as part of our primary care team.”
The Department of Health is beyond proud to have Janet Brant, NP, on staff. Janet continues to provide exceptional care to all of her patients.
“As we celebrate Nurse Practitioner (NP) Week in November, we celebrate the vital role of Nurse Practitioners in healthcare,” said Chief Vanessa Adams. “We say Niawen:kowa to Janet Brant, NP. She leads the way by creating an innovative, and holistic approach to healthcare delivery for our community members. Nia:wen Janet we appreciate you!”
Please join us in acknowledging and celebrating Janet Brant, NP, and wish her a Happy National Nurse Practitioners Week.*NP information courtesy of