Domestic Household Solid Waste and Recycling Management Plan

She: kon,
On behalf of the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) through the Department of Technical Services, we wish
to advise our residents the following changes for our Domestic Household Solid Waste Program.
The Department recently awarded the new Five-year contract to D&R Disposal Services of Kawehnoke District.
This contract began on April 1, 2013 and will expire on March 31, 2018. We extend our greeting to the new contractor
and the support staff that will help see to it that this contract is successfully implemented for the duration
of the contract. We also at this time want to say thank you to the CPL Sanitation Services who held the contract for
the previous term and thank them for the valuable service they had performed over the past five years. We wish
them well and much success in their future endeavors.
What’s new?
The Department of Technical Services recently coordinated a new recycling component with the City Of Cornwall’s
Materials Recovery Facility (MRF), Mixed Single Stream Recyclable Materials Processing Facility. This opportunity
will allow for several items that were not considered for recycling in the past, and are now included in
the recycling stream for the regular household waste stream. A full color brochure is included in this publication
for your reference. We strongly encourage every resident to utilize the Blue Recycling bins that were distributed
and/or a blue box unit that represents recycling in order to expedite the service and collection. We remind everyone
that the use of clear see- through garbage bags are required at all times for all waste streams. We would also
like to remind everyone that mandatory recycling is required by all.
Schedule Changes?
The one noted change is that the collection of recyclable materials will now start in the district of Tsi-Snaihne, with
Kanatakon collection second and ending with Kawehno:ke by mid-day. With the new MRF site, all materials need
to be delivered no later than 3pm. All regular domestic household waste will be the same. There will be no changes
unless approved by the MCA in consultation with the community and the contractor.
Businesses and Contractors Contract:
MCA is currently revising the Community Investment Strategy and will address solid waste collection from business’s
and contractors that utilize the domestic household waste stream contract. Until such time that the revised
documents are approved by MCR, all business sites will fall under this contract. It is anticipated the revised documents
will be in place by mid June 2013, upon which time the businesses and contractors may use the program
after a fee for service is paid directly to the MCA.
The businesses and contractors can contract directly with a solid waste service provider of their choice; however,
the new contractor D&R does offer this service as part of their operations. All fees for service are the responsibility
of the owner and will not be paid by the MCA. This includes any and all rental or purchase fees for containers
used to store the waste stream.
If a Contractor or Business owner has a contract with the previous service provider, that contract is between the
Contractor or Business and the service provider and is not something we as MCA will address.
Page 2 Domestic Household Solid Waste and Recycling Management Plan
Private Road, Lane and or Private Drive access:
The following points are consistent with the last five year contract and are being reiterated as an existing policy:
Under the terms of this contract, the contractor is not responsible to enter a private Road, Lane or Drive Way
under any circumstance. This is strictly for Insurance and Liability issues that the Contractor and or MCA may be
exposed to. All domestic waste if brought to the curb side of the closest public road access will be collected under
this contract.
Residence living on a Private Road, Lane or Drive can hire a contractor of their choice if they desire to have personal
service to their family. This service is not covered by MCA and is the sole responsibility of the home owner
for any contract, tipping fee and or fee for service provided by the contractor they choose.
DTS has directed the Contractor to collect the household waste for these site ‘One Time Only’ and advise the
home owner of the requirements to bring the waste stream to the curb if they wish to have it collected under this
contract. The new contractor does offer this service, and is willing to discuss the service with any interested party.
If a homeowner has a contract with the previous service provider, that contract is between the homeowner and the
service provider and is not something we as MCA will address.
Large Blue Waste Bins:
Only MCA sites with a large Blue Bin will be collected on regular intervals under this contract.
Spring Cleanup Program:
There is ‘NO SPRING CLEANUP.” We remind everyone to put out large items on the last day of the month for
regular service in your area. This will allow for the contractor to collect large items on a monthly cycle. Please put
materials out a little at a time, and make sure they are bundled, no more than 50 lbs. in weight, no longer than 2 ft,
or 2’x2’ square, so that the workers can handle the materials easier.
We will also advise that if you are performing a renovation project that the homeowner will be required to rent at
their expense a construction waste bin if they want all materials collected and removed at one time. Otherwise,
placing the small bundles by the road side at regular intervals will be required. We do not expect the contractor to
stop and collect excessive construction debris.
This is our community, and we must all do our part to help care and maintain it. Please recycle and do your best to
follow the guidelines we are posting here.
Mother Earth needs our help!
Domestic Household Solid Waste and Recycling Management Plan Page 3
Community Notice:
Solid Waste Road Side Pick-up
Domestic Household Solid Waste/ Garbage
& Recyclable Materials Collection
New Contractor Service Provider
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne through the Department of Technical Services has recently completed negotiations
for a new Five Year Contract for the ‘Curb Side Pick –up’ of all household domestic waste materials, with
The current contract is effective April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2018, some of the highlights to point out for the new
contract are;
All domestic waste generated at home is covered under this process, including furniture, mattresses, light construction
This contract does not include household hazardous waste materials.
or sites are covered by this contract, it will now be the responsibility of the business owner to contract and
cover cost for waste materials generated from the business venture, this includes but is not limited to, a corner
store, Laundromats, restaurants and the like. (A paid fee for service must be arranged with the MCA to have this
waste stream picked up under this contract.)
Excessive construction debris will not be picked up under this contract and is the responsibility of the home
owner/ generator to pay for its removal. However small bundles, not exceeding thirty (30) pounds, must be bound
or bundled to assist in ease of removal, must not be longer than three feet in length, will be removed.
White goods and appliances are part of this collection. A service charge payable by the generator will be charged by
the contractor for appliances with a refrigerant such as refrigerators, Air Conditioner units and dehumidifiers will
apply. MCA encourages home owners to take advantage of service provided by merchants selling new white goods
and furniture, and allow them to take away the old appliances as part of their services for new items.
The land fill site will accept for disposal used tires for a fee. MCA encourages homeowners to release and dispose
of their old tires at tire suppliers when and where you purchase new tires.
All domestic residential sites and MCA identified assets are covered under this contract and must use clear plastic
bags, unless otherwise directed.
This contract includes the single stream Recyclable Materials collection program as scheduled for every Tuesday.
Recycling is mandatory for all domestic homes and facilities covered under this contract. Recyclable materials will
be collected at all Commercial operations.
Page 4 Domestic Household Solid Waste and Recycling Management Plan
One Stream Every Week !
T        Clear and coloured food and beverage bottles,
jars and containers.
Aluminum and steel food and beverage bottles
and containers, foil and plates, EMPTY
aerosol cans and dry empty paint cans (lids separately).
Bottles, jugs, tubs, lids and rigid packaging
and containers from food, beverage and
household products i.e.: shampoo, yogurt,
margarine, ice cream, clear shells, trays and
BBQ chicken containers (#1 through #7).
Paper cups, fine paper, bills, flyers, envelopes,
newsprint, magazines, boxboard, paper back
books, egg cartons, craft paper, phone books,
rolls, brochures and polycoat containers i.milk and juice cartons, gable top, Tetra Pak
and frozen juice containers.
Cardboard: keep separate.
S A 
,  M C     . H  Use your blue recycling bin
and keep excess recyclables
in clear (not black) bags.
All recycled items must be
clean of food scraps and
other materials.
Rinse and flatten
Recycle caps separately.
No need to remove
Don’t stuff materials
into containers.
Keep your cardboard
Domestic Household Solid Waste and Recycling Management Plan Page 5
Dishes, porcelain and ceramics, window
panes, light bulbs or mirrors.
Aluminum foil with food scraps, laminated
foil, takeout food lids, candy and cigarette
wrapping, metalized chip bags, scrap metal,
small appliances, full and partially full aerosols
should be treated as hazardous.
Styrofoam cups or packaging, film, bags, laminated
packaging, toys, hoses, durable plastic
products, seed trays, plant and garden packaging
(please return to local nursery).
Tissue, paper towels, napkins, waxed paper,
laminated, lined and metallic paper, contaminated
paper and the hard cover on books
(please remove).
Paper and Cardboard
     - :
Page 6 Domestic Household Solid Waste and Recycling Management Plan
The Existing collection schedule will be maintained until further notice. The Contractor and MCA will determine
if any schedule change is approved and will advertise in advance any proposed changes to the collection schedule.
Any changes will be post mail/ and or hand delivered to the community and advertised in at least one local community
news paper confirming any new proposed schedule and start date.
Residential unit waste bins will need to be constructed and maintained by the owner in such a way that does not
impede or delay the collection Contractor.
The Contractor is not responsible for traveling down Private Roads or Driveways, all waste materials generated
from residents on these private road systems are responsible to bring the waste to the closest public access road
intersection for service. A listing of Public Roads are listed in this notice.
Household Hazardous collection date is note currently scheduled or approved. MCA will advertise Household
Hazardous Waste Day drop off once approved. The service will be accessible to all residential sites within MCA
jurisdiction. This is a free service to the community.
Residents of Akwesasne MCA jurisdiction can transport solid waste to the land fill site on their own accord, but
are responsible for all fees and costs and/or tipping fees, they will not be paid by MCA. The Land fill site we are
currently utilizing is the Lafleche Environment Inc. located at 17125 Lafleche Rd Moose Creek Ontario. K0C1W0
613-538-2778. The hours are Monday to Friday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturday from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Persons wanting to use this option only need to show their status/band card at the land fill site.
There is “No Spring Clean Up Program”, the terms of the new contract and the new land fill site, eliminate the need
for this service. What we ask of the community is to put out smaller portions of waste materials throughout the
year, rather than all at once, the program is geared to handle this operation more effectively this way.
On the last day of the month, for regular pick up in your district, we ask that this day be used to dispose of larger
items like white goods, furniture and so on, the contractor can better service this aspect knowing what days to
expect these items.
As part of section 11, Registered Public Roads within the jurisdiction of the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne are
identified as of March 2013 include the following:
District of Kanatakon (St.Regis) Public Roads:
Cherry Street Willow Street
Angus Thomas Memorial Street Angus George Boulevard
Thomas Lane Third Street Circle
Sweetgrass Lane (Plant Street) First Street
Hilltop Drive Second Street
Katari Tekakweitha Road (River Street) Akwesasne Street
Park Street Johnson Road (Tobacco / Ferry)
Domestic Household Solid Waste and Recycling Management Plan Page 7
District of Kawenoke (Cornwall Island) Public Roads:
Thompson Lane McCumber Rd. North &South
Martin Rd. Bear Rd.
Recreation Rd. Lighthouse Rd.
Tewasateni Rd. Seymour Rd.
Frank Benedict Memorial Rd. Phillip Hopps Memorial Rd.
Angus Delormier Rd. Cornwall Island Rd.
James Thompson Rd. Wishe Delormier Rd. Akwesasne Mohawk School Rd.
(AMS Rd.) White Rd.
Buckshot Rd. Akwesasne International Rd.
John Thompson Rd. Chiefs Rd. (Harbour Rd)
Kawenoke Apt. Rd. Arena Rd.
Island Rd. Hickory Court
Elm Court Paul Taxi Rd.
Recreation Center Rd. Point Rd.
District of Tsi Snaihne (Snye) Public Roads:
Toby Roundpoint Rd. Karakwakiene Iohate (Whoville)
James E. Lazore Memorial Rd. Iohahiio Rd.
McDonald Rd. Chapman Rd.
Mary Adams Rd. Maple Rd.
Wade Lafrance Memorial Rd. McDonald Ave.
School Rd. Sunday Rd.
Border Rd. Fishermans Lane
Woodland Rd. River Rd.
Phillips Rd. Friday Drive
Birch Rd. Whisky Lane
Francis Jock Memorial Lane (TJ Jocks Rd)
Contractor Information:
1370 Island Rd.
Akwesasne Ontario K6H-5R7
613-932-4588, Fax 613-932-4883
Service Contact Phone: 1-518-521-0185
If you have any questions, please call MCA Department of Technical Services, 613-575-2250. Extension 1004 or
email your question to ‘’
Page 8 Domestic Household Solid Waste and Recycling Management Plan
Sunday/ Monday: All operations Closed
Tuesday: Recycling, all districts Estimated Start time 08:00 AM
All Three Districts Recycle Program. Blue Recycle Bin collection and excess in Clear Plastic Bags or clean dry
cardboard box, only.
Kawehno:ke : From Cross Roads Heading East, all side roads, both North and South side of Cornwall Island Rd.
From East end heading West all Cornwall Island Rd.
From Cross Roads heading West all side roads both North and South side of Cornwall Island Rd. to the West end
of the Island. From the west end , back to the cross roads all of Cornwall Island Rd., estimate 12 noon estimate to
Kana:takon , complete Kana:takon, estimate 2pm travel to Tsi Snaihne.
Wednesday: Starting at 08:00 AM Large Blue Dumpsters
Administration, Government Building Housing Developments and contracted Commercial sites. ** Represents
specific housing developments that will also be collected for regular domestic household waste collection.
Kana:takon: all MCA facilities
Tsi Snaihne: All MCA facilities, and, ** Woodland Rd. Housing sub division, Hemlock Street Sub division
Kawehno:ke: All MCA facilities, and **Kawehnoke Apartment Road Sub division.
Thursday: Residential domestic waste starting at 08:00 AM
Tsi Snaihne: District starting at River Road west end. (near Ice Bridge Crossing) all sites except Hemlock and
Woodland as noted earlier.
Friday: Residential domestic waste starting at 08:00 AM
Kawehnoke: Starting at Cross Rd. heading East, all side roads, North and South side of road to the East end of
Kawehnoke. Returning back heading West all of the Cornwall Island Rd. to the Cross Rd. (except for the Kawehnoke
Apt. Rd as noted earlier.)
From Cross Rd. heading West, all side roads, both North and South side of Island rd, to the West end of the
Island. Returning back to the Cross roads, all of Island Rd.
Saturday: Residential domestic waste starting at 08:00 AM
Kanatakon : Entire district
If domestic waste is not collected as scheduled, it will be collected as soon as possible or the following day.
Please note there is a $15.00 service charge and must be paid to the driver at the time of pick up, for the collection
of refrigerators, Air Conditioners/ water coolers / dehumidifiers/freezers, any item with a refrigerant. There
is a $5.00 fee per tire for regular tires and must be paid at time of pick up to the driver.
Large items will be collected in your area on the collection date as they are put out, please try not to put out excessive
amounts of bulk items.
All Domestic waste must be in clear plastic bags as required by the land fill site we are currently contracted with, materials in BLACK bags will not be collected!