The MCA Wholistic Health & Wellness Program and Thompson Island Cultural Camp have teamed up to give away care packages to elders across the community!
When: Tuesday, February 7 (1-5 p.m.)
Where: St. Regis Recreation Center
There are 75 care packages available for elders ages 65 and older. They include venison soup, washed corn, local raw honey, self-care supplies, and more!
To sign up, please contact Kyle Thompson at kyle.thompson@akwesasne.ca or at 613-575-2250 ext. 3107. Email is preferred. Registration is also required to receive a care package.
Also, we ask that any community members that are registering on behalf of an elder to PLEASE inform that elder that they will be receiving a care package. This will help ensure all packages are claimed by the totas — nia:wen!