The Department of Health and the Department (DOH) of Community & Social Services (DCSS) is notifying the community that the elevator in the Kanonhkwa’tsheri:io Health Facility is currently out of service. Maintenance staff are working diligently to repair the elevator as quickly as possible. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience. 

Wheelchair bound or mobility impaired community members with medical clinic or dental appointments are encouraged to use the main entrance to Kanonhkwa’tsheri:io on 31 Hilltop Drive to use the wheelchair ramp to enter and exit the building. Likewise, community members with appointments for optometry or social services are encouraged to access entry via the Sweetgrass Lane door (between KHF and AMPS).

There is currently no anticipated date or time for repairs to be completed. The repair company has been contacted and will be on site soon to begin the repairs.

Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated.