The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and its Dept. of Economic Development would like to express its appreciation to Enbridge Gas Company for the donation of a backhoe to the Thompson Island Cultural Camp.
Members of the Enbridge team in Cornwall visited Thompson Island earlier this year and were impressed with the camp and its hospitable staff. Camp Coordinator Norman Peters had described the island’s value and capabilities to Enbridge. When Enbridge later had plans to replace their backhoe, they recalled Thompson Island and thought the camp could use the backhoe instead of sending it to auction.
The Thompson Island crew – Norman Peters, Louis Francis, Michael Buckshot and Marie Thompson – attended Enbridge today to accept the backhoe, along with Ec. Dev Director Kylee Tarbell, Grand Chief Abram Benedict and Kawehno:ke District Chief Edward Roundpoint (Ec. Dev portfolio chief).
With the addition of heavy machinery on Thompson Island, the crew will have the ability to expand trails and uses of the camp, move cabins and buildings, and provide quick and efficient upkeep to the island grounds.
Thompson Island Cultural Camp provides Mohawk cultural teachings to small and large groups, through daytime classes and overnight stays. Staff provide a valuable and unique opportunity for anyone to learn about Mohawk culture. The backhoe will assist in the camp’s continued development and success.
Niawenhkó:wa, Enbridge!