The MCA Department of Health’s (DOH) Health Promotion & Prevention, a program under the Community Health Services Sector, has recently revitalized the Green Food Bag initiative. The new rollout of the Green Food Bag took place on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, with staff distributing fruits and vegetables at the Kanonhkwa’tsheri:io Health Facility.
The Green Food Bag initiative offers community members fresh produce for a low cost on a monthly basis. The bags will contain various fruits and vegetables, and at least two seasonal items (depending on availability). Each bag will cost $20, with bags limited to two (2) per person. Supplies/orders are limited.
Any community members interested in participating in the Green Food Bag initiative can stop in at Community Health Services and pay for their bags via cash, or send an e-transfer to When submitting an e-transfer payment for your Green Food Bag order, please ensure to note “Green Food Bag,” the month being paid, name and phone number in the message portion of the e-transfer payment. Failure to do so can result in your order and payment not being adequately processed.
The deadline for July Green Food Bag orders is July 5, 2024. Be sure to bring your reusable bags when picking up orders. No bags will be provided.
If you have any questions about the Green Food Bag, please contact the Health Promotion & Prevention Program at 613-575-2341 ext. 3220.