Canada has confirmed its first domestically acquired human case of Avian Influenza A(H5N1) in British Columbia.

Avian influenza mostly affects wild birds, but it can also infect domestic poultry and a variety of mammals. To minimize the potential risk of acquiring avian influenza, avoid handling sick or dead birds and wildlife.

In nature
• Keep your distance from wild birds and wildlife and don’t touch, hand feed, or handle them

Preparing food
• Consume milk and milk products that are pasteurized
• Cook all foods made with poultry, meat and eggs thoroughly

Outside with your pet
• Keep your pets away from sick or dead birds and other wildlife
• Contact your veterinarian if you think your pet is sick

At animal exhibits
• Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or hand sanitizer after touching animals or being in animal enclosures

If you have had contact with a sick or dead bird, monitor yourself for symptoms and contact a health care provider if symptoms develop.