The Iakhihsohtha Lodge is providing the community with an update regarding their visitors policy. Visitor restrictions will be reduced starting May 5, 2021.

Following guidance from the Ministry of Long-Term Care, Iakhihsohtha Lodge will be taking a phased approach in gradually increasing visitation for residents. There will not be a return to open visiting at this time. Lodge staff will review and revise visitor restrictions on a regular basis.

At this time, visitors who have been deemed “Essential Caregivers” will be provided visitation access. Essential Caregivers will be required to have a weekly COVID-19 test. Iakhihsohtha Lodge has COVID-19 testing available on Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., or you can be tested elsewhere. Each resident can have two essential caregivers identified, but only have one visitor at a time. All visitations will take place in the residents’ room. 

Currently, Iakhihsohtha Lodge has identified Wednesdays from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. for essential caregiver visits. Visitation times and days will gradually increase, with Indoor and Outdoor General Visits resuming. Increasing and adding visitation days and times is dependent on the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) recommendation and Lodge staffing levels. Copies of the Resident Visitation Program are available upon request. 

Thank you for your support, understanding, and patience as we resume visiting for residents, while preventing the spread of COVID-19. We look forward to welcoming our Essential Caregivers once again.

If you have any questions regarding the visitation program, please contact the Iakhihsohtha Lodge at 613-575-2507.

