Prescription Drug/Controlled Substances/Akwesasne Drug Law – Amendment

The subject of developing an Akwesasne Prescription Drug Law was brought up as a need from the community at a Public Comment Session held in May 2018. During the meeting a community member raised concerns regarding prescription drug abuse in Akwesasne, asking for a legislative solution.

Investigating the issue, the Akwesasne Legislative Commission began conducting research into the topic. A prescription drug strategy had been developed in 2011 with input from various Mohawk Council of Akwesasne departments and programs. Since then, a harm reduction approach has been adopted within the organization. The development of an Akwesasne Prescription Drug Law was again identified as a priority by the community as part of the Public Comment Session in October 2018.

The Akwesasne Legislative Commission did select the development of an Akwesasne Prescription Drug Law, or law dealing with Controlled Substances, or an amendment to the Akwesasne Drug Law, as a priority for 2019. This work is currently in Phase I – Law Development of the Akwesasne Legislative Enactment Regulation. Once a draft law has been developed, the document will be brought to the community for consultation to request feedback on the contents of the law.