The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne would like to extend congratulations and appreciation to longtime employee Joyce Tekahnawiiaks King on her retirement!
Joyce has served the community of Akwesasne in many capacities, from working with the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs to managing Indian Time newspaper to defending our environmental rights. In 2008, Joyce joined the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne as the Director of the Akwesasne Justice Department. As Director, Joyce oversaw the Iatathróna Raotiientáhtsera Couples Property Law Referendum, which was the first to utilize online voting in the community; assisted with the enactment of the Akwesasne Court Law, the first court in Canada to operate under an independent Indigenous legal system; was instrumental in the Technical Working Group on the Administration of Justice between MCA, Canada, Ontario, and Quebec; and worked with the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice (CIAJ) to develop a training program unique to Akwesasne, which led to the confirmation and appointment of four new Justices. Along with holding her own federal appointment as a Justice of the Peace, Joyce has also served as the Director of the Haudenosaunee Environmental Task Force, tackling environmental degradation and restoration in our communities.
“Joyce was a true professional that led by example. She was always ready to stand up for our people and for the recognition of our laws and court system,” said Kana:takon District Chief Julie Phillips-Jacobs. “Joyce’s work ethic and character will be missed, but we will celebrate her legacy of achievements and commitment that she left behind and continue her fight to uphold the rights of our people. Congratulations on your retirement and all the new opportunities yet to come!”
We are very grateful for Joyce’s continuous hard work through her 15 years at MCA. Congratulations Joyce and enjoy your well-deserved retirement!