The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Department of Health is providing the following updates to the Akwesasne community.
New Updates:
- Wholistic Health and Wellness released a medical clinic schedule with availability for the remainder of April 2020. If you are feeling unwell please don’t hesitate to call the clinic for a phone consultation at 613-575-2341 ext. 3215. If a doctor decides during the phone consultation that you need to be seen in person, then you will be given an appointment.
- Community Health’s Green Food Bag is cancelled for April and May. This program offered to the community is different than the food distribution being coordinated by the Emergency Operation Center. The community will be notified when the Green Food Bag program restarts after the state of emergency is lifted.
- Community Health Vaccination Program has been suspended. Community Health Nurses are working on establishing a way to offer vaccination clinics in the safest way possible. All clients who were booked for appointments in March and April will be rescheduled as soon as possible. If you have questions regarding your child’s immunization status please call the Community Health Program at 613-575-2341 ext. 3220.
Previous Updates:
- Community Health continues to actively screening for COVID-19 symptoms. They are also working on logistics to establish a testing clinic in Akwesasne and an update will be provided to the community once this is finalized.
- Proxim Pharmacy now has curbside service available at Kanonkwa’tsheri:io, Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you are sick, they ask that you please call ahead to make arrangements at 613-575-1160 or 613-575-2341 – ext. 3250, 3234
- Akwesasne Dental Clinic is closed until further notice, and in the event of a dental emergency please contact 613-935-5516.
- Dr. Danielle Dubuc’s Optometry Office remains closed at this time, however, staff are checking their messages daily. If a community member is having an eye emergency please call Akwesasne Non-Insured Health Benefit to be referred to the emergency on-call referral optometrists in Cornwall. Akwesasne Non-Insured Health Benefit can be reached at 613-575-2341 ext. 3340.
- Akwesasne Non-Insured Health Benefits are maintaining operations with 4 Benefit Analysts processes claims but they are not seeing community members on the office at this time. If there are any questions we ask that community members and providers call the ANIHB office from 8am-5pm, Monday to Friday, at 613-575-1161 or Toll-Free 888-514-1966.
- Wholistic Health and Wellness Addictions Services continues to refer to detox services – the service providers within networks are following COVID-19 prevention protocols to facilitate in-person services. If someone needs to access these services or to help cope with anxiety please call 613-575-2341 ext. 3109
- Wholistic Health and Wellness Mental Health Services have setup a mental health support line for community members and staff at (844)244-1060 – this is a 24/7 line to reach local mental health workers from Akwesasne. This dedicated line was setup to ensure our community can always reach someone from Akwesasne, if you need it.
- Akwesasne Mohawk Ambulance is advising community to honestly report their travel history when speaking with emergency medical technicians, 9-1-1-, and MCA dispatchers. The Akwesasne Mohawk Ambulance service and other first responders will respond to emergency calls even if a person is at risk for COVID-19.
- Home Care/Home Support hours have changed to: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and they are only providing service to priority clientele.
Kawehno:ke Medical Clinic – (613) 575-2341 ext. 1110 or (613) 932-5808
Akwesasne Medical Clinic – (613) 575-2341 ext. 3215
Wholistic Health & Wellness Support Line – (844) 244-1060