The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s (MCA) Department of Health (DOH) and Department of Community and Social Services (DCSS), in partnership with the Cornwall Community Hospital (CCH), will be opening a 4-bed addictions services facility in the community of Akwesasne.
Made possible through funding from the provincial government as part of Ontario’s Addiction Recovery Fund, this investment ensures that individuals under the influence of substances and/or in withdrawal, or otherwise in crisis directly related to substances, can access the services they need in their own community.
DOH and DCSS recognized the rise in substance use and overdose issues within the community of Akwesasne and have been in discussions with the Ministry of Health for several months attempting to secure funding for this vital initiative. DOH and DCSS were able to secure the funding, while also securing a partnership with CCH, who will work collaboratively with DOH and DCSS to provide high quality addictions services and expertise.
“I am truly grateful for the hard work and dedication of our DOH & DCSS Programs,” said Kawehno:ke District Chief Vanessa Adams. “This is a necessary step in supporting the healing journey of our Akwesasronon, and an answer to our families’ prayers for Akwesasne.”
The provincial government, through Ontario Health East will provide a one-time funding of up to $525,600.00 for 2022-2023 and another max funding of $525,600.00 for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. MCA has agreed to match the funding from Ontario Health East.
“We are grateful to partner with the Cornwall Community Hospital to deliver this service,” said Grand Chief Abram Benedict. “With support from Ontario’s Addiction Recovery Fund, we will be able to begin to develop this service so that we can start servicing the community. We must ensure all supports are in place for the client so that their healing process is made a little bit easier. We will continue to work with our partners to meet the needs of our community.”
The location for the Addiction Services facility will be on Kawehno:ke at the former Group Home; this location was chosen for ease of access to the Cornwall Community Hospital. The new residential withdrawal management beds within the facility will provide 24-hour access to safe withdrawal services and respond to the needs of clients in a welcoming, respectful, and culturally sensitive environment. Services will be provided in English, with access to Kanien’keha speakers.
DOH and DCSS will provide more information regarding the Addictions Services facility as it becomes available.