The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne would like to extend congratulations and appreciation to Micha Menczer on his retirement. Micha has provided legal representation to MCA since the 1980s and throughout these decades he’s had a positive presence in our community and made many friendships.
Micha has supported MCA in several important cases and initiatives that have helped to shape Akwesasne’s position today, including:
- Self-government negotiations for Entewetatha:wi (Nation Building)
- The Mike Mitchell border case
- Remission Order negotiations
- The first Policing Agreement of the 1990s
- The Jimmy Jock case on membership which helped to highlight Akwesasne as one community in which residents can be from the southern portion and still obtain Indian Status in Canada.
- The acquittal of Chiefs Lawrence Francis, Bill Sunday and Angus Bonaparte and 32 community members of criminal charges in relation to a bridge blockade in 1979. This helped to raise new arguments based on continued title/ rights to expropriated lands on Kawehno:ke (Cornwall Island).
- Many charters for boards and commission such as the Police Commission, based on a model of proper and unbiased process and independence from Council in their decision making.
- Development of many laws including the Court Law; Financial Administration Law; and Couples Property Law.
We extend sincere gratitude to Micha and best wishes for an enjoyable retirement. Niawenhkó:wa.