December 30, 2021
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Community Health Program reports a total of 13 new positive cases of COVID-19 in the northern portion of the community, as of December 30, 2021. There are 39 active cases in the northern portion of Akwesasne.
Current COVID-19 Statistics for the Northern Portion of Akwesasne:
New Positive Cases: 13
Current Active: 39
Total Cases: 662
COVID-Related Passings: 12
The Department of Health would like to remind the community that we need your assistance to slow/stop the spread of COVID-19 by strictly adhering to the public health measures that have been put in place. Wash and sanitize hands frequently, wear a mask/face covering when out in public, and maintain six feet of distance from anyone outside your household.
It is of the utmost importance to get tested for COVID-19 at the onset of any symptoms, regardless of your vaccination status, even if you feel your symptoms are a common cold or allergies. If you’ve been tested for COVID-19, and are awaiting your results, please stay in isolation until you’ve been advised by a healthcare professional.
Community Health is announcing the following vaccine clinics:
- Pediatric Doses – January 12 & January 26
- Pfizer/Moderna (half day each)- January 5, 10, 24
- Moderna (full day) – January 19
Community members can email to obtain a copy of your COVID-19 vaccination receipts. In your email request, please be sure to include your name and date of birth. Community Health Program staff will input the record of your dose into the Ontario Health Provincial System. Once your information has been input into the system, the province will send the receipt via email with your official Ontario COVID-19 vaccination receipts in 1-3 business days.
If you need to report a positive rapid COVID-19 test or need information on the Community in Quarantine Program, please contact the Emergency Operations Centre at:
613-575-2331For more information on COVID-19, please visit the MCA website at: