Mohawks of Akwesasne Community Settlement Trust


The Mohawks of Akwesasne Community Settlement Trust was created to provide benefits to Members of the Mohawks of Akwesasne from the funds received from the Kawehnoke Easterbrook Settlement Agreement and the OPG Settlement Agreement.



To fulfill the obligations of the funds pursuant to the Settlement Agreement and to create and promote health, safety, well‐being and economic development for Akwesasronon while preserving and revitalizing the language and cultural heritage of the community of Akwesasne.


To provide funding to assist Akwesasronon in promoting their relationship with the land, traditional knowledge/language, culture and traditions, community health and wellness and economic development through activities that enhance the cohesiveness of Akwesasne as one community.

What the Trust is allowed to fund:

The purposes of the Trust, or authorized use of the funds held in the Trust, are defined at Section 3 of the Trust agreement and are listed in Table 2 included later in this document.

The Trust capital is to be maintained for the long‐term benefits of the Beneficiaries. As a result, payments of funds for the authorized uses is made from the income generated by the Trust as a result of investing the Trust funds pursuant to investment guidelines of the Trust (Investment Policy Statement).

What the Trust will not fund:

  • Research (i.e. feasibility study, surveys & questionnaires);
  • Payment of individual Band Members for personal benefit (i.e. per capita distributions to members of the Mohawks of Akwesasne);
  • Individual “for profit” projects providing questionable or limited community benefits (i.e. subsidizing your business);
  • Multi‐year projects (meaning projects longer than 12 months in duration);
  • Renovation and capital improvements of privately‐owned buildings;
  • Funding of individual sports team;
  • Organizations with poor board governance structure and/or poor accounting procedures and practices.

Trust Scholarship

The Trustees of the Mohawks of Akwesasne Community Settlement Trust are pleased to announce that they will be granting Scholarships of $3,000 for full-time students and $1,000 for part-time students to a number of Akwesasronon who are attending Universities, Colleges or Technical Institutes.  The Trustees reserve the right to reallocate funds between scholarships for full-time studies and part-time studies based on the applications received.

Who can apply for the Scholarship?

Any Akwesasronon member who is pursuing a post-secondary degree. A letter of confirmation of admission, a copy of an official transcript/report card and copy of a completed Membership Confirmation form (see attached) signed by the Applicant are required. Do not submit the Membership Confirmation form to the Office the Vital Statistics (“OVS”) – the Trust will send all Membership Confirmation forms at once to the OVS.

More information about Trust and Applications follow Link Below

Trust Documents