MCA Mohawk Language Strategic Plan
During January 2016 the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne recognized the need to develop a Strategic Plan to guide the Council and the MCA organization on the philosophy, vision, values and strategic goals that are required and need to be accomplished. A strategic plan was collaboratively developed with the Grand Chief, Dist
rict Chiefs and Senior staff and was approved by Council in March 2016.
One of the key objectives highlighted in the MCA Strategic plan was the revitalization, preservation, promotion and protection of Mohawk language in the community. This document is the result of extensive dialogues intended to result in a comprehensive Mohawk language strategic plan. The strategic plan considers all aspects of Mohawk Council of Akwesasne operations as it pertains to the revitalization, preservation, promotion and protective of Mohawk language. The plan includes a vision and mission, as well as defined goals, objectives and priorities that are realistic, achievable and measureable. The Mohawk Language strategic plan is intended to recognize the uniqueness of Akwesasne and coordinate language training efforts in a collaborative and cohesive manner with key providers such as the Ahkwesáhsne Mohawk Board of Education (AMBE), Akwesasne Economic Development Agency (AEDA), Akwesasne Freedom School (AFS), Iohahi:io and the Native North American Traveling College (NNATC).
The consultant worked with key stakeholders, MCA senior staff and Council District Chiefs to create the framework of a Mohawk language strategic plan which incorporated long-range components (a vision, mission, values), medium term aspects (objectives and priorities) and short term components (action plans). Performance measures were also identified as a feature of the plan to enable progress to be regularly reviewed.
A variety of models and approaches were researched as part of an environmental scan in order to inform the development of the strategic plan as it relates to Mohawk language revitalization, preservation, promotion and protection.
The extent of community/employee consultation into the Mohawk language strategic planning process consisted of a survey that was conducted during December 2016 via social media (the MCA Facebook Page and website) and Survey Monkey. The MCA Help Desk distributed the link to the survey to all MCA employees (approximately 800). One-hundred and sixty-eight responses were received over a two week period. The data collected was utilized to form the context for this plan.