This morning, the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe and the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne were notified of the first confirmed case of COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) in the community of Akwesasne. The Franklin County Public Health Department notified the Tribe’s Emergency Operations Center that the case involves a community member, who is in quarantine at home and receiving follow-up care.
The Franklin County Public Health Department is investigating the individual’s case to determine exposure and those who may have been in recent contact. No additional information is being released at this time due to patient privacy laws.
It is extremely important that everyone practice social distancing and stay home to avoid contact with others. Please limit travel for essential needs only, such as for groceries or prescriptions, and consider sending only one person. While in public, stay at least 6 feet apart from others.
For those returning to the community from beyond a 50-mile radius of Akwesasne, you MUST self-quarantine for 14 days. Please place the community’s health and safety as a priority, particularly those who are most vulnerable — our elders and those with underlying medical conditions.
It is important to remember that now is the time be prepared, not scared. To help, both organizations have activated their Emergency Operations Centers and our health professionals are working hard to slow the spread of the Coronavirus. If you have an emergency matter or require essential items, please call them at: SRMT’s EOC (518) 320-0019 or MCA’s EOC at (613) 575-5005 or (613) 575-2331. They are here to help you.
Symptoms associated with the Coronavirus include a sustained temperature reading of 100.4 degrees or more, coughing, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing. If you have these symptoms, please call the Tribe’s Medical Clinic at (518) 358-3141 Ext. 7130 or MCA’s Community Health at (613) 575-2341 Ext. 3220. Remember to call first.
For those who may have questions about the Coronavirus, we encourage you to please call the New York State Department of Health’s Coronavirus Hotline at 1-888-364-3065 (toll free) or the Eastern Ontario Health Unit at 1-800-267-7120. Real questions deserve real answers, so please share this number with anyone who wants to know more about the disease. No question is insignificant at this time.
Both councils and their EOCs will continue to monitor the situation and will share updates as they become available. Please continue to listen to CKON 97.3fm, follow our Facebook pages, and visit our websites.