The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Department of Health is informing the community that visits to its long-term care homes – Tsiionkwanonhso:te and Iakhihsohtha – will be resuming on June 18, 2020, with guidelines in place to protect the health of our residents from the spread of COVID-19.
The following are guidelines being implemented for the resumption of visits:
1. All visitors must undergo a screening process before visiting.
2. All visits must be booked by appointment.
3. Visits will take place in outdoor tents, and social distancing must be adhered to.
4. Visits will resume in phases per guidelines of the Ministry of Long-term Care. Phase 1 permits one visit per resident per week. Visits will gradually increase.
5. Families or power of attorneys must coordinate independently to determine who in the family will visit per week.
6. Visits in Phase 1 will be 40 minutes long. Please do not arrive more than 5 minutes early for your visit time, to prevent interaction with other visitors.
Additional protocols are being implemented to ensure a safe yet enjoyable visit. We wish to assure the community that restrictions are in place for the protection of your family members, our residents, who we all care deeply for. We look forward to your visit.
If you have any questions, please contact:
• Tsiionkwanonhso:te Activity Director Teresa David: 613-932-1409 ext. 3.
• Iakhihsohtha Activity Supervisor Sue Smoke: 613-575-2507 ext. 3.